Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Children are us.  They are not simply out there in little bodies, or teenage bodies.  They are us.  They didn't come here to disturb anyone, or inconvenience the adults around them.  Not the parents.  Not the teachers, Not anyone.  They did not get born, nor did we, to become consumers, trouible makers, cute beings to buy things for, or become recipients of rules chores and grades.  They just didn't.  Neither did we.

Who knew our lives would become based on grades, regulations, time schedules. accumulation of stuff, and ultimately expected to gather money as a gardner would gather seed.  At birth, most of us came into this particular world with a sense of wonder, and often even a smile.  We were just born into a world unknown, and into a family that wondered about who we were as much as we wondered about who they were. 

 Children are physically smaller than the impact they have on big people.  Children really are us.  When we were small, the original us, walking or not, we were gradually nudged towards absorbing layers of identities, becoming like those around us,  As we grew into bigger bodies, we were surrounded by beliefs and thoughts not our own. 

I think that little us is still totally present.  She and he show up in the form of tatoos, dance, sillyness, compassion, kindness, kisses, hugs, tears and those moments of uninhibited reaching out to strangers to say hi!

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