Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Two hummingbirds flew within two feet of my face as I was sitting outside, reading.  They appeared like twins, only inches apart, seemingly staring at me, getting my complete attention for at least fifteen seconds as they hovered in place.  Then, they were gone.  I was startled into the present moment.  My mind went silent.

Without attempting to give in-depth meaning to the event, I did notice I was free of thought as I continued reading.   Later that day, while riding my bike down a familiar street, my attenton was drawn to a big black crow swooping down from an overhead wire about fifty
feet from me, heading directly towards me at eye level and on a collision course.  He/he continued its flight path coming closer and closer. 

Expecting it to change its direction, the crow flew within a foot of my face before suddenly flying up and away, just missing my head by inches.  "OK, that's it,"my calm self said out loud. "Stay here, stay here.  Be present now, if only for seconds."     


  1. Oh yes, mother nature knows how to send you signals. If you don't listen to the sweet humming birds the first time, she's send in the bad arse crows to wake you up to being here NOW!

  2. Or "Badass" for you U.S. people.
