Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Years ago, I sat down at my computer and learned to
leave my mind, and ask some force outside of me what
is happening, or what am I to pay attention to.  I first did this
20 years ago when I could not think of anyone outside myself
that would hear me.  So I asked some unknown force in the
universe.  I asked the question about my recent vision changes.
I thought to share the so-called dear God letter with you. 
This is it below.  I only get a response when I ask the right question. 
First time I have shared one of these letters. 

"I was wondering about my vision.  What is  my body
and my eyes, and my seeing and my vision asking?  What action can
I take to have clear vision, clear thought, clarity everywhere?
Who are my eyes?  Who is the seeing? 

May I know?  If I knew what my eyes were asking, what would
I know, see, hear, feel, sense?

Trust your senses now, more than your visual acuity.  Trust what you sense
with your body and tentacles.  Let your eyes see what they see.
You see everything beyond what you can make tangible.

all is well.  Your eyes are your "I,"  The I in you is fading in lieu of
the greater I, the world, the universal, what is outside your
contemplation and imagination.  The people around you are your eyes to the
everyday world.  Your senses are your eyes to what lies outside the everyday world, unseen, unknown, and unworldly.  Allow for all that you do not understand and sometimes fear. 

That is good.  You are good.  You are all you need to be.  You always have been.
Those who see you, see beyond the you seen by you.  Bring yourself to others and
leave you there without wandering or loss.   There is nothing to lose.
Only to feel, sense and absorb. 

This has always been true in the universe.  The universe is but a small fraction of what is to be found and discovered.  You are everything.  You are beyond love.". 

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