Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Being here in Los Angeles is a chance to practice meditation all the time, 24 hours, especially on the freeways where trillions of cars all congregate to go back and forth, at high speeds, heading in all directions, including through each other, and sometimes traveling on their rooftops, passed by high speed motorcycles creating their own lanes, zipping past only to sacrifice one of their own daily on some freeway, somewhere, not slowing down for death, or injury, or even concrete walls.

So i am transcending my frustration on these roads of glory for meditation practice, flexibility and trust in some higher being, even higher than myself if I must have a hierarchy of beings.  Today, driving down a four-lane mountain road, my son in the passenger seat, coming around a curve with a truck on one side of me, blocking any exit in that direction, a fallen tree suddenly appeared in front of me, blocking my lane, leaving me no way, I thought, to escape accident, broken bones and a crunched car.  

I could not avoid the tree without turning directly into the truck to my left and crashing.  As in the movies, I must have transcended earthly rules, and driven through the tree, huge trunk and all.  I did not hit the truck, did not change lanes, and I have no earthly, logical explanation, except we must have gone "through" the tree like an invisible wall from Matrix. A gap in time, A breath taking event that has no explanation and simply left us both in a sense wonder. "That is not possible," my logical, linear, make sense, mind told me,  But we did.  My son and I looked at each other with no words, continuing down the road in silence.

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