Friday, June 27, 2014


My cell phone rang and I answered it. I was sitting with my son in an outdoor restaurant, talking and eating, and being together.  The phone rang and I answered it, something I rarely  do. 

As I listened and talked for two minutes on the phone, I noticed the expression on my son's face change, into what I interpreted, as disappointment. The conversation ended and I asked "what's happening?"  

"We were being together and eating," he replied.  "When you answered the phone, everything changed.  Being together came to a halt.  The fun of our time together was gone."  My instant thought was to notice how often I see people staring at their hands holding some device, appearing to be distant from those around them. 

I started to explain and justify then stopped immediately, appreciating that he felt safe enough to tell me something that could be perceived as too sensitive. 

"I'm sorry," I said.  "I did do that.  I left you.  I did not need to answer it.  I never answer the phone when with someone, and this time I did.  I broke the joy we were having. and disconnected from you."

I thanked him for telling me the impact that phone event had on him.  It could seem like a minor incident. But it's not. 

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