Saturday, January 4, 2014


I think we all ought to come together: meaning becoming more inclusive, welcoming others into our homes and lives, especially our children no matter their age.  This individual, separate, find a career, move away from family or people you love being around, to do it on your own, be independent, earn lots of money, own a home, save for the future, take sides in conflicts and politics and decide who is right and who is wrong, simply goes in circles, leaving me or you constantly searching out something better or more than we have, holding a belief that whatever we do, is never quite good enough, wanting whatever it is we do not have, often unaware that what we have now is what we wanted before.

Just what if we believed that friends, people we know that are easy to be with, mothers, fathers,
grandparents, children, all thought it would be a good thing to live in one home, or close by in a neighborhood, knowing that there is a satisfying bigger community then just a city with people spread out all over, or even states away, staying connected only by phone or email, yet deeply heartfully
longing for daily connection, familiarity, love, and the beauty of being cared about, and caring for
those around us, frequently, daily, all the time, an awareness that as humans, or as most creatures on land and sea,  (money can fill banks), while people can touch one another, calm fears, open hearts and dissolve most symptoms of the body and amongst each other in close proximity, with others that have noticed the relative peacefulness of knowing we matter.  We simply matter. 

1 comment:

  1. This would be good, really good. I don't think my children will leave home, they have a different view of the world. They are not interested in college (debt) or grades but in owning their own businesses so they can live where they want and make life work for them. Community is important to them more than anything else, more than success or money. Thank you for writing this Bruce.
