Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I have another intention now.   To not worry.  I admit, I worry about this one.  I worry about learning to not have to worry.  Worry takes up so much of my time even when I am not aware of it.   Then suddenly, I realize I am worrying.  It is such an endless going nowhere, process.

I learned to believe that worry is normal, natural and part of being alive....or not being alive,  Not sure about that last one yet? I asked myself, "what would I do if I Could not worry.  Not that I wouldn't, but if I absolutely could not worry if I wanted to. "I would just be here with what is happening in each moment," was the response.  The worry voice came in right away, "Oh sure, read another book about power of now, be here now, and stuff about being present.  Uh huh." 

I made a commitment, like an adventure, to free myself of worry.  Worrying feels like walking on water with lead shoes,  I decided to practice not worrying, or at least notice when I am. I’ve given myself permission to believe there is a way to go through the day without the act of worry consuming my energy. and listening to beliefs not my own.  Worry goes in circles and resolves nothing, ever.  Not worrying is an adventure in going beyond what seems impossible,

 It’s a practice, a personal skill of trusting that moments will happen no matter what I attempt to control.   The inspiration is to be free. 

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