Saturday, August 24, 2013


Racism in the world demands justice and fairness.  Everything and everyone demand fairness and justice.  Children around the world, of all cultures, demand fairness and justice.  And what would that look like?  What about the concept of authority, parenting, teaching  and raising "them," ultimately being in charge of the children in our lives---our own, or someone elses?

Many of our ideas about children are rooted in the same kind of fear and beliefs that form the artificial division between people of different races, gender and religions ….the belief that those different from us, are less than, or in some way, so different, that we tend to marginalize, dismiss and patronize them, if not out loud, then in our thoughts.  These attitudes are not naturally occurring in children or us.  They are taught.  
If we wanted, what would it take to step out of our adult/parent/hiearchal roles and beliefs, to see clearly who children are behind their size, age and appearing to be, disturbing behaviors?  We were children once.  We noticed how the adults in our lives knew little about who we were, what we knew or how we felt.  .  It wasn’t that they couldn’t, they just didn’t know how.  And there is no blame intended here.  None at all.  They too, were following rules, beliefs, fears and habits they had learned from the adults in their lives. 

If we were fortunate, we had at least one adult in our childhood that saw who we were completely and equally; able to connect with us beneath our size and age.  If so, we can be that for all the children we meet and know and live with now.  Age and physical size do not automatically exclude children from choice, decision making, respect and freedom from condescending, patronizing attitudes. 

As we access our own innocence, lightness of play, sensitivity, spontaneity, and pure presence, that may rest dormant within our own bodies and minds, we can more easily be with the children around us – almost all children, with ease, humor, kindness, and, free from any role identity.  The children “out there,” are us inside.  When we do not know and feel that, we become easily disturbed by them.

It is fair and just that children be seen as whole, exquisitely sensitive, wise, highly perceptive human beings that are no less, nor more than the bigger, older people in this world.  As we free the children from our learned beliefs that may not be our own, we free ourselves.  We reclaim our own innocence, play and inclusion of everyone.  We become what we want to see in others, and in the world.

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