Saturday, September 1, 2012


Some children live in the "field."  Not the
grassy field, but the bigger unseen one that surrounds all that we do.  This field is felt by exquisitely sensitive children and adults.  They simply feel it, yet often cannot identify or explain it.  As a result, they and others around them, might believe they are "too sensitive." 

Will, a seven-year-old boy, on the day of the Dark Knight theater shootings in Colorado, without hearing of the story, began to throw things in his home, a thousand miles away.  He screamed, ran around the house, swore a lot, broke things and seemed "out of control."

His dad, having just heard the story, came over to Will as he was breaking things.  He told him a 30 second version of the shootings...just a brief summary.   Will stopped immediately.  He came over to his father and they hugged tightly, closely, silently for minutes. 

Will cried.  The  father cried with his son.   In this moment, his father became aware that some children, even us, often sense or pick up events in the world that seem like they originate from within ourselves.   We have no explanation.   Often those behaviors that seem so disturbing are valid responses to pain, hurt and joy in the larger world.  Hugging, moving closer, and without having to know for sure what the cause is, and simply being silent with each other may be all that is needed.  Adults or children.

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