Thursday, August 16, 2012



 "Depending on our belief, we, as children, came into this world involuntarily.  We were conceived without our conscious consent. Some might say we chose our parents.  And that could be true too. Either way, we got here because, in most cases, a female and a male wanted us to be in their lives for one reason or another.
 So, I suggest that we, as parents, teachers, psychologists and regular people delete the term "behavior problem."  These two words have become a common way to describe and identify little people, (the children), as they become older.  This is not a trivial thing. And it is not a right thing.
What is a behavior problem but someone elses judgment of my unwillingness to live, moment to moment, the way someone else believes I should. If, I as a little person in school, or at home, express my uniqueness, my creative energy, my spirit, do I become a behavior problem for you?"
 If that voice of the little person could speak, she might say, "I need to move. I need to draw.
I need to know what you are talking about, and be interested in hearing it. But please, do not refer to me as a problem.  I may be a problem to you because you do not know me, not inside.  You are too busy to know me. Stop. Join me. Slow down.  You will find there is much more to who I am inside, than a disturber.  Ask me a question from wonder. Ask me what I want to know more about.  I will join with you as you join with me. We can collaborate. We can be allies."


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