Sunday, December 25, 2011


What if everything, just every so-called little thing mattered? What if the children in our lives mattered so much that our every tone of voice and response came from respect, awe, wonder and exquisite sensitivity?

Maybe the essence of all of us, no matter our age, self identity, gender or belief of who we think we are, rests on a foundation of wanting to matter to others. Really matter. Not just pretend, or being nice, but we knew inside ourselves that it mattered that we were in this world, and with the people around us. How would it feel to know we are "seen" by those close to us.....and we knew deep inside ourselves that we mattered, even if others did not see it?

How would we come through for others, show up, be available, care, and feel safe, if we knew we mattered. Not necessarily for our skills, money, or no money, or who we know or how we look, but because we exist. What if I knew you really "see" me inside behind my personality, and sometimes disturbing behaviors.

What would that have been like as a child to know deeply that we mattered? To know that "I am more than a child that needs to be constantly "educated," and learn stuff all the time. Maybe there is a universal innocent one inside all of us, asking only to be touched kindly, held emotionally and physically, and appreciated for being alive, and willing kiss your cheek. Just kiss your cheek.

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