Tuesday, April 28, 2015


 The "hate the Jews" experiences I have gone through as a child, (and sometimes still hear), allows me to know, feel and have great compassion for most others in the world that feel or believe they are not wanted.  

The traumatic mean stuff of my past, taught me compassion for others in the world that experience such hatred, marginalization, blame and never being heard or seen.  I've learned to see personal negative events as having "happened for me, not to me."  How did being treated so badly happen for me?  I learned to feel what people of color feel every day.  What women often feel when not "seen," nor respected, or just seen as bodies on  display.  Or what children go through when surrounded by an adult world that talks down to them, demands more, punishes them and teaches them "no matter what you do, it is never good enough."

When asked "what have you done with all those past hurtful experiences?  Therapy? Counseling?"  What I have done with all the past hurts, is learn to honor the feelings of others, with listening deeply, caring and joining with them.  The feelings are an inspiration to step into situations where adults or children are being marginalized with attitude, tone of voice or "make wrong."  I have learned how to, more often, find ways to bring people together, release my own judgments that often lie hidden in habit and familiarity.  I can still momentarily feel the past hurt in my body, release some tears and then appreciate that I get to still have tears and feel everything.  

When I'm lost in myself, (the poor me part),  I notice it, and give myself permission to honor "the poor me" too. 

1 comment:

  1. Honouring all parts of ourselves and others is the work we are here to do. Thank you for reminding us Bruce.
