Thursday, April 24, 2014


We can end and dissolve personal conflicts with anyone immediately.  Conflict ends when one person steps back.  Deciding that I do not have to be right, defend my position, or explain my actions, can end any conflict, or simply avoid the conflict.   

I do not give up anything.  I do not win or lose anything.  I do not shy away from confrontation.  I simply decide I do not have to be right. Instead, I replace my familiar need to defend, explain and make my point, with listening and hearing the other person, determined to see "through their eyes" seeing what they are seeing, believing and feeling.  

 We can leave behind the learned process of standing our ground, and holding an emotional position, even though every physical body sensation, and reaction, is to do what we have always done.....make sure we are right and understood.  

  Or, the inspiration to be free of old stories, need to react, or even be understood, can bring immediate emotional relief, a lightness of tension, and bring inspiration to do it again, with the next potential conflict. 

  Adding the ingredient of holding no expectation of others, and a willingness to be free of making someone else wrong, or placing blame, brings immediate internal peace.  And more often, if not expected, the other person will join you, releasing their need to be right, and apprecaite having been heard, maybe for the first time in their life.  They might even apologize, or not.  Why practice this?  To be a bit more connected to others, no matter who they are. 

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