When I was 12 years-old, I had a dream that my life was supposed to be about bringing people together, finding common threads, being a bridge between perceived differences, and ultimately freeing myself from side-taking, judgment, blame and unconscious anger.
I didn't know at the time that I would have to live these experiences of blame, separation, lots of make wrong, and suffering through times of believing life wasn't fair, and why me? The day after high school graduation, I moved to the mountains outside Los Angeles and became a forest fire fighter for one year. I discovered the power of fire, the value of staying alive, and my first sense of what sacred means. I served time as a public school teacher, a jouralist, a Navy photographer, a community activist with Native people, African Americans and advocate for children. I trained with Carlos Castaneda, Dan Millman, Arnold Mindell and lots of children everywhere. I've taught at universities, continue to live out Process Work psychology as a psychotherapist, and most importantly, travel and be with our 15 year old son, who also inspired me to write two books: Being Real, and Free The Children.